Friday, May 29, 2015

Silver Sneaker Award

Roller racers are cool. 
I can steer really well. 

We got 50 points in gym so we earned a Silver Sneaker class. The students were able to pick different activities to enjoy. It sure was an exciting gym class.
This is fun.

Catch the football.
Hopper balls make our hair fly!
Ready for spongee polo. 

Here are our thoughts:
I dressed up like a hockey player and we played spongee polo. I was in the net. -Shelby
I played spongee polo and I scored a goal. It was so fun. -Ashton
I had a hard time picking something to do. I went on the roller racers. -Saydee
Scooter time.
I enjoyed pushing myself around on the scooter. -Isla
I bounced really high on the hopper balls. I posted a picture of me and Saydee on Instagram. -Kyla
Ribbon play
I was playing hockey in the gym and I was goalie. No one scored on me. -Ashley
I was enjoying bouncing the big balls. -Brayden
I enjoyed dressing up in the hockey equipment and when I was dressed up in the goalie equipment I was sweating. -Kayden
I loved that I get to play with whatever I want to play with. Xoie
It was fun because we got to play with anything we wanted. We went into the equipment room. -Rylee
I loved chasing the kids in their goalie masks. -Kingston
I loved playing with the ribbons. I rode the roller racers. -Brianna
I liked playing spongee polo in hockey gear. It was awesome. -Diamond
Who's behind that mask?
I can get up this mat. 
It was fabulous that we got our Silver Sneaker class and I played spongee polo. I went on the roller racers. -Andrew
At the Silver Sneaker class I played spongee polo. I went on the roller racers and I also played catch with Brayden. -Hunter
I played spongee polo and I scored both of our goals. I also went in net. -Reese

It is always great to see the students getting lots of physical activity. The gym is where they can really move, burn off some energy, and use different equipment. They were thrilled to get their Silver Sneaker Award. Thanks Mrs. Rand for all your help in promoting physical fitness and fair play.

Have a great weekend everyone! I hope it doesn't get as cold as they are predicting.
-Mrs. T :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mealworm Madness

We are very excited about our mealworms! I wonder what changes will take place over time.

Here are our thoughts:
Chub Chubs has black spots today and he took a nibble out of the carrot. -Kayden
My mealworm dug into the middle of the bran so I couldn't find him on the sides. -Ashton
My mealworm can climb a lot. -Shelby
My mealworm is crawling off my plate and I was trying to put it back in. -Kody
My mealworm came up and then went back down into the bran. -Saydee
I think it's weird because my mealworm sleeps under the bran. -Isla
My worm was tickling my hand. -Brianna
I liked that my mealworm was named Chum Chum. We put tents in our habitat to keeps it shady.-Andrew
I can't believe that my mealworm is the biggest in the class. I think that it will get bigger and bigger. -Ashley
I wonder if my mealworm will be more active tomorrow. -Ezra
I can't believe we get mealworms in class. I got a bouncy ball from Rylee so I added it to my habitat so he has a better home to live in. -Hunter
My mealworm burrows really fast. It's fast when it goes on the plate. -Rylee
My  mealworm is very fast and the other day it went down fast in the bran. It got off the plate and onto the ground. -Diamond
My mealworm is very squirmy and I have to keep looking at it or it will get away. -Reese
I think my mealworm is old because he is so long. He tries to climb the sides of the plate, but he can't do it. -Xoie

I'm glad we are taking such good care of our mealworms. The habitats created by the students meet the needs of our new friends. I can't wait to see what happens next.
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

African Drums

Ms. Knoll has brought in the African drums for music classes. The students were able to learn to play them using different parts of their hands. It was impressive to hear the sounds and rhythms they created. We are fortunate to have the drums at our school for a couple of weeks. You may see and hear some drumming at home as the students practice some of their techniques on tables and chairs!

Here are our thoughts:
I liked he drumming because it felt like I was in a parade because lots of people were drumming too. -Isla
When I played the drums I listened to all the rules and I stayed on the drums the whole time. -Hunter
I loved that I played on my own drum. Mine had beads on it. -Xoie
I liked the songs we played with the drums. -Kyla
I learned how to play a drum. It was so fun. -Kody
I liked when we were banging on the drums. We had beats to follow and work on. -Kayden
We all got to play on the drums. It was easy when we were drumming. -Saydee
I really liked drumming because we learned some beats of songs. -Ezra
I loved that we got to play on the drums. It was cool because you could almost hear walking sounds when we banged on the drum. -Ashley
We got to drum in the music room for the very first time. -Reese
I liked drumming on the African drums because it was cool and fun. -Andrew
I wanted to play the drums, but I went home. I am going to play them next music class. -Diamond
I liked when we got to play the drums. It was very, very fun and we got to copy Ms. Knoll doing different beats. -Shelby
I learned to make music on the drum. The drums made a loud sound. -Brayden

It is always exciting to have new experiences. The drums were a big hit! Thanks Ms. Knoll for having them at our school.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone. Don't forget to wear sunscreen for the warm weather we are expecting.
-Mrs. T :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Folk Dance Festival

Despite the rain we received on the long weekend, the Folk Dance Festival was a go at Centennial Park. What a perfect day to be outside dancing in the park. It was great to have parents come out to watch our moves and to participate in some dances. We appreciate all the help Mrs. Rand and Ms. Knoll provided to teach us the dances.

Here are our thoughts:
I liked the Folk Dance because it was fun dancing. -Isla
The Folk Dance was fun because I danced the whole time. -Ashton
It was fun dancing because they were fun songs. -Rylee
My favourite dances were Get off the Couch and Macarena. -Kyla
I enjoyed doing Get off the Couch and I like dancing. -Brianna
I liked dancing to the songs. I am a good dancer. -Kody
I was happy when I did some dancing. -Kayden
I liked eating lunch in the park. -Hunter
I loved when we got to eat on the tarp. It was fabulous. -Andrew
I loved to dance and eat lunch at the Folk Dance Festival. -Ezra
I liked seeing my mom and dad there. -Reese
I liked dancing to my favourite songs. My favourite one is Get off the Couch. -Shelby
I had fun dancing in the park and my favourite dance was Seven Jumps. -Diamond
I had fun being outside with my friends. -Kingston

Wow, it was pretty amazing to see so many schools participating in this event. Over the next two days there will be around 3 000 students dancing in the park. Thanks to everyone for moving and grooving to some fun songs. It was a first time experience for the Grade 1s and they did a super job. Keep dancing. . . anytime, anywhere!
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

It's Already the May Long Weekend!

The week started with our Kiss a Goat assembly. The students waited anxiously to see which staff member was voted to kiss a goat. Mr. Hargreaves was the lucky one. Ms. Knoll and Mrs. Palamar were good sports as Mr. Hargreaves got them to kiss Shadow as well. We were able to raise enough money to provide 7 goats to families overseas. It was a fun way to get the students and staff involved in this good cause. We were  happy to celebrate Kingston's birthday with some cake and juice. He got his hands on the cake first which was fitting since it was his birthday. Our bean plants went home and the green thumbs in Room 2 are going to tend to their plants in their new environment. Some have said that they are growing quite tall. Enjoy the video of some of the week's highlights.


Here are our thoughts:
When I took my plant home I was going to show my grandma and it spilled all over my bag. We put it back together. -Hunter
When I brought my plant home I had to hold on to its stem so it wouldn't blow in the bus loop. -Ashton
I can't wait to see what my plant looks like because my plant is at my mom's and I am at my dad's today. I think it is going to have big leaves. -Isla
I was happy that I brought my plant home. When my mom was picking us up my cat ate some of the leaves. My cat is okay. We need to put my plant higher up in a container. -Xoie
When I brought my plant home it was blowing in the wind. At my nana's house I tried to plant a flower. The flower plant blew over and the seeds went out and we couldn't plant it. -Rylee
My plant was on my counter and my cat jumped on the counter and ripped it. -Brianna
It was funny when Mr. Hargreaves, Mrs. Palamar and Ms. Knoll kissed the goat on the lips. -Kayden
My plant grew huge and really big. It has 5 leaves. -Reese
My plant is growing taller and taller and it is growing some beans. -Ashley
My plant grew a lot during May. -Ezra
Mr. Hargreaves kissed a goat. So did Ms. Knoll and Mrs. Palamar. It was funny and cute. -Brayden
I shared birthday cake with my friends. I got my hands on the first piece. It was yummy. -Kingston
Kingston reached for the cake and got messy. The cake was good. -Diamond
My mom loved the plant. I put it at the window. -Kody
On Monday a goat came in to the school and its name was Shadow. Mr. Hargreaves, Mrs. Palamar and Ms. Knoll kissed the goat. -Kyla
I liked that we got to plant seeds because I like planting plants. It is fun. -Andrew
I enjoyed planting the seeds when we were growing plants. -Ezra
I thought it was funny when Mr. Hargreaves kissed the goat. Mrs. Palamar kissed the goat on the lips. -Shelby

The weeks are flying by. I'm glad we still have time to be together and to celebrate all the learning we have been doing. I hope you enjoy the long weekend. It may be a little rainy, but at least things outside are getting greener. Don't forget to spend time outside participating in the 30x30 Nature Challenge. . . you may need an umbrella.
- Mrs. T :)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you to all our amazing moms! We appreciate you every day. Our special gifts were made for you with love. The artwork inspired by Georgia O'Keefe turned out beautifully. Each piece is so unique. You can view our work on Artsonia. The budding artists in Room 2 continue to impress me.

Here are our thoughts:

I hope you like my gift, mom. -Andrew
Happy Mother's Day. I hope you like my gift. -Kyla
I hope you like my gift. I wish I had you everywhere with me. -Rylee
You are the best mom ever and I love you. -Ezra
I love you because you are special to me. -Shelby
I love you for ever and ever and ever. -Ashley
I love you, mom. -Saydee
I hope you love my flower picture. I painted it in your favourite colour and it is purple and blue. -Kayden
I hope you have a good Mother's Day. -Kingston
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be. -Hunter
You are the best mom ever. -Reese
I love that we made you a flower. I like how mine looks. -Brianna
I had fun painting the flowers. I hope you like it. -Brayden
I love that you love me even when I'm not with you. -Isla
I hope you like my flower. I painted it all by myself. -Xoie
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world. -Diamond

Thanks to our moms for all they do. We love you more than words can say.
-Mrs. T :)

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Nature is Calling

Have you heard about the 30x30 Nature Challenge? The David Suzuki Foundation challenges people to spend 30 minutes a day outside in nature for 30 days in the month of May. As a class we have discussed ways to make this happen. We spent our "work on writing" time in our outdoor classroom on the playground. Students chose a spot they felt would allow them to do their choice writing. The fresh air and sunshine helped to inspire us. It is terrific that we can find opportunities to learn and enjoy nature. The spotting of a ladybug added to the excitement.

Thanks to Ms. Wasney for sharing this information with us. There are several classes at BHS participating in this challenge.

Here are our thoughts:
The first rock had a spider so I moved to another rock and it was good. -Saydee
I liked that I finally got to go on the rocks because they are not on our side for recess. -Isla
I loved that I got fresh air when we were writing on the rocks. -Kyla
Brayden, Ashley and me did a good job working outside. -Kayden
I was glad to write outside. -Brianna
I can't believe that we worked outside and got more fresh air. We worked as hard as we could. -Ashley
It was fabulous that we got to work outside. I was working hard. -Andrew
I liked writing on the rocks with Kayden and Ashley. -Brayden
I like the 30 x 30 challenge. I play outside on my trampoline. -Ashton
I was outside with my friends. The rocks were hard. -Kingston
I loved when we got to write outside. I wrote a lot. -Xoie
I went outside for writing. It was quiet and nobody was walking around us. -Ezra
I had fun writing outside and I wrote as much as I could. It helped me outside because nobody was talking. -Hunter.
It was a challenge to stay out that long, but we did it. We got a lot done. -Rylee
I picked a good spot to work. I wrote a lot. -Kody
It was a good being outside because I had no one interrupting me. -Diamond
I enjoyed when we got to go on the rocks and I wrote about me and my sister making up a new game. -Shelby
We wrote outside.I wrote about my dad going to my grandma and grandpa's and getting trees. -Reese

We hope you find time to get outside and enjoy nature. What are some ways you will meet the challenge?
-Mrs. T :)