We created marble runs during our IBL time with Mrs. Dent Scarcello. The unit we worked on was called Characteristics of Objects and Materials. There were many recycled materials that were brought in to help us with our designs. The students had to do lots of planning and problem solving during the process.
Here are our thoughts:
You don't have to give up or quit because you could make it work. -Callum
I had trouble building the marble run. Plan A did not work, Plan B I made a change and it worked. -Jake
The marble run I made was fun to make. I had trouble with the marble going through and coming out, but then I changed it to be taller. -Russell A.
I liked putting the marble down my marble run. -Cody
It was really fun building my marble run because I got to tape things together. -Levi
The marble went all the way down. I had to pull out the magazine roll to get out the marble. -Gavin
It was hard to make it because there was tape that was sticking onto the marble so I had to put a marble down and the other marble hit the stuck marble and then it went down. I took part of the tape off so the marble would not get stuck. -Brady
I liked when I made the marble run. It was fun to put the tape on. -Landyn
I had to put some new tape on the bottle so the toilet paper roll would stay on. -Zachary
I used a box, toilet paper rolls and tape. -Russell L.
It was hard to put some stuff together when the marble got stuck in places. I took toilet paper roll and the solo cup and I left one cup on and it ran down. -Sierra
I liked when we put the stuff on. I used toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls and tape. -Eliza
I made a marble run. -Jay Dee
I learned to not staple popsicle sticks because it won't work. -Naomi
I learned to not tape the toilet paper roll because it won't stay on properly. We hot glued it on and it worked. -Anna
I used a cereal box. I put tape on it. I used toilet paper rolls. -Ethan
The marble goes fast. It lands in an egg carton. Josh
My marble didn't fall down to the bottom. I made straws to make it like a game. The marble doesn't go the same way every time. -Bapreet
We made marble runs. We had to make changes. I didn't know how to make a loop in the middle so I changed the plans. -Cady.
Wow, what creative thinking. It was great to see that many students realized their original design was not possible, but were able to make necessary changes to meet the criteria. We had to think like real scientists. Could you imagine what it would be like if inventors and designers gave up if things didn't work the first time? Maybe some of our grade ones will be future designers.
-Mrs. T :)