Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mother's Day Surprise

On Mother's Day we were finally able to reveal the special surprise we have been working on for our moms. Everyone did such a fabulous job creating flowers inspired by the artwork of Georgia O'Keeffe. We tried to make our flowers fall off the page. We are grateful for our moms and for all the special things they do.

Here are our thoughts:
I love when my mom snuggles with me. -Anna
My mom is very nice and very smart. -Zachary
My mom always takes care of me. -Cady
There are lots of things I love about my mom. I love her to pieces. -Russell A.
I love my mom. -Jay Dee
Whenever I am hungry, my mom makes me something to eat. -Brady
I liked reading with my mom. -Ethan
When I am sick my mom helps me feel better. -Sierra
My mom loves me. She is the best. -Gavin
I like when my mom plays with me. Sometimes we play tag. -Eliza
My mom is nice. -Cody
My mom helps me hang up my shirts. -Jake
My mom makes me pizza. - Russell L.
My mom always helps me if I get hurt. She helps me ride my bike because I am new at riding a two-wheeler. -Naomi
My mom takes care of me. She cares for me. -Bapreet
I like it when my mom helps me a lot. She helps me clean my room. -Josh
My mom lets me have more 7-up. She takes care of me. -Callum
I like to play board games with my mom. She lets me help make cookies. -Levi
My mom lets me play outside a lot. We play baseball. She throws the ball and I hit it with the bat. -Landyn

Thank you to our moms who make us feel special every day. We hope you know how much we love you!
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, May 20, 2016

Folk Dance Festival

It was a beautiful day to be outside in the sunshine yesterday at McIvor Park. We were able to show off the dance moves that we have been learning with Mrs. Rand and Ms. Knoll. There were 11 schools at the park. The breeze was very refreshing as we were working up a sweat.

Here are our thoughts:
I enjoyed going on the field trip. I liked doing the Macarena. -Russell A.
I liked dancing the Hokey Pokey. -Josh
I enjoyed when we got to go to the playground. -Jake A.
Dancing was awesome. My favourite dance was the Macarena. -Cady
I liked dancing with my mom. -Cody
At the end I liked dancing with my baby sister. I kept holding her hands and she kept spinning around. -Sierra
I like to dance, -Jay Dee
I enjoyed dancing. My favourite dance was the Macarena. -Landyn
I enjoyed going on the bus, looking for Ford trucks and dancing. -Levi
I knew all the dances because we learned them in gym. -Zachary
I liked making a long train of people. -Callum
I didn't know some of the dances, but I followed what Mrs. Rand was doing. -Brady
I enjoyed doing all the dances and seeing my mom. -Naomi
I liked when we danced to the songs. -Eliza
I danced in a circle. -Russell L.
I enjoyed dancing with Zachary. -Gavin
My favourite thing was doing the Macarena. It was fun. -Bapreet
When we got back from the Folk Dance Festival, we got to watch a movie and have a popsicle. It was hot outside. -Anna

It was great to be able to share the "dance floor" with so many other kids from the schools in our division. We sure got in our 30x30 Nature Challenge. Dancing is great exercise!
-Mrs. T :)

Thursday, May 05, 2016

30 x 30 Nature Challenge

The 30 x 30 Nature Challenge encourages us to get a daily dose of nature by spending 30 minutes a day outside for the 30 days in May. You can read more about it here. With the start of spring sports and the great weather, many students are already finding time to be outside. 

Here are our thoughts: 
You get fresh air when you are outside, -Zachary
I stayed out for an hour watching my brother's soccer game. -Levi
Yesterday I stayed out for two hours because I had baseball and my sister had baseball. -Eliza
We should get fresh air and play instead of staying inside and playing video games and watching t.v. -Callum
I like flowers. They grow outside. We planted some flower seeds at Beavers and took them home to grow in our house. -Anna
Yesterday after school I played outside at my niece and nephew's house. We came in for dinner and then we went out for the rest of the day. We played in their bouncy house. -Naomi
I play tag with my friends at recess. -Ethan
After school I check on my owls in my backyard. There are four owls. They come every year. -Jake
I played soccer with Jake and Zachary. It was the first soccer game of the year. -Cody
I walk to school every day. -Russell L.
I am playing soccer Tuesdays and Thursdays. I had my first game this week. -Josh
After school me and my little brother look for geese and look if they are laying eggs in their nest. We don't touch them. -Cady
When I walk home from school, I put my bag down in the garage and I go play outside in my backyard. I have a big backyard and I can play with my cousins. -Sierra
When I come from my daycare I come home and then I go to baseball on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are on bases you wear a hat, but if you are batting your wear a helmet in case you get hit in the head. -Brady
I can play outside after school. -Jay Dee
When my mom asks me to go outside I say yes. I do flips and cartwheels on the grass. -Gavin
I play outside after school with my brother. We play with our toy balls. -Landyn
After school me and my sister play tag outside. -Russell A.

We hope you are able to spend more time outside this month . . . nature is calling. 
-Mrs. T :)