Thursday, June 30, 2016

What a Year!

Postcards we wrote. 
I can't believe the school year is over. I am so proud of what we have accomplished. Throughout the year we have shared our thoughts through our blog and on Instagram. Thanks to those of you who have followed our learning in grade 1.

Here are our thoughts:
I liked when we went to Boonstra Farms and saw all the baby animals. -Anna
I got to milk a cow! -Ethan
I loved having fun at school. -Naomi
I will remember reading every day. -Callum
I played with my friends. -Cody
I really liked it when we went to Boonstra Farms and petted animals. -Josh
I will never forget this grade. It feels special to me. -Zachary
I read with my friends. -Russell L.
Walking to the post office.
It felt nice when I walked into this classroom because I felt like this classroom was going to be kind. -Sierra
I loved meeting new friends. -Russell A.
I loved getting our super worms because they were cool. -Landyn
I will never forget the first time I saw my super worm because they looked so cute. -Levi
I loved playing with new friends. -Eliza
I will never forget the art I made. It looks great. -Bapreet
July 1st is Canada's birthday. 
I feel ready to go to grade 2. I am happy for the last day of school because I get to go my grandma and poppas and go to Toys R Us. -Gavin
I loved meeting new friends. -Jake
I liked playing outside with friends. -Jay Dee
What an amazing year it has been. Thanks to all the Room 2 families for being part of our grade one year. Have a fabulous summer. . . I will miss you.
Mrs. T :)
Hello Summer!!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Olympic Activity Day

It was our Olympic Activity Day yesterday. There were 36 stations to visit. It started to drizzle a bit before lunch so we came in a few minutes earlier. It was nice to have families join us for hot lunch. Thanks for the great sportsmanship.

Here are our thoughts:
I got my face painted and my arms. - Josh
I got nine golds so far. -Russell A.
I really liked the trampoline because we get to do jumping jacks on it. -Gavin
I got lots of golds. Water race was my favourite station. -Cody
I got my face painted with a horse on my cheek. -Anna
I enjoyed getting my face painted by my sister and seeing my mom. Naomi
I liked having lemonade. It tasted great. -Bapreet
I liked the basketball throw. I almost got it in, but it bounced out. -Callum
I really loved the football kicking and I got it to hit the chicken that was hanging up. -Zachary
I stayed with my partner. -Russell L.
It was fun getting my face painted. It was hard to decide what to get on my face. I picked a hose. -Eliza
I liked when I got my face painted and I liked wearing my Polaris hat for Hat Day. -Landyn
I played games in the gym. -Jay Dee
I liked all the activities. I went on a scooter on an obstacle course. My mom was there at that station.-Cady
I got my face painted. I got two emojis. I got the happy face emoji and  the heart eyes emoji. -Brady
I enjoyed the face painting. I got a unicorn on my forehead. -Levi
I loved when I got my face painted because Naomi and Cody got the same too. So we all decided to all be dogs. -Sierra

Thanks to Mrs. Rand for organizing all the Olympic themed activities. It was an amazing day.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Celebrating our Wonderful Dads

We hope all the dads had a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday. We were very excited for you to open the gifts we made.

Here are our thoughts:
On the weekend I gave my dad my present. I asked him if he liked it and he said he loved it! -Zachary
My dad liked my gift. -Russell L.
On Sunday me and my mom gave my dad nail polish and a fishing rod. The nail polish was a joke. -Callum
When I gave my dad the present, he gave me a hug. He got a giant soccer net too. -Levi
I went for dinner with my family. -Ethan
My dad almost cried when I gave him the card and the spices. -Russell A.
Right when my dad opened it, he put it on his chicken and he cooked it. It tasted good. -Brady
I played baseball with my mom and my dad on Father's Day. I was the batter and my dad was pitching and I hit it so far it almost went over the fence. When my dad was batting, my mom was pitching and I was fielder, my dad hit the ball three times really far. -Josh
I begged my mom and dad to have some kind of meat for the spice rub. -Naomi
I was outside with my dad on the weekend. -Cody
My dad lets me ride on the quad. I had a nice Father's Day weekend. We went to Subway to eat. -Landyn
On Father's Day I took my dad a waffle for breakfast. -Jake
I played with daddy. -Jay Dee
My mom took a picture of me and my dad with the unwrapped gift and she wrote nice things about it. My grandma saw it and she wanted to have some spices too. -Cady
When my dad opened the present, he said tomorrow we are going to have chicken with the spice rub. -Sierra
I painted my dad's toenails on Father's Day. He liked his gift, but he didn't use it yet. -Anna
When it was Father's Day, we had a party and we used the chicken rub to make our chicken. -Bapreet
I liked it when my dad tried to use it, but we didn't have chicken so we will use it another time. -Eliza
I was trying to hide my present super good. My dad found it in the closet. -Gavin

Thanks to our dads for all their love and support. We are better people because of you!
-Mrs. T :)

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Outdoor Classroom

We had friends from Dr. Hamilton School come over to spend time with us today. Ms. Clarke's grade 1 class has been taking part in an Outdoor Classroom Challenge. Her class has taken their learning outdoors all this week. . . they are outdoor experts! We were able to learn how to build a shelter from tarps, bungee cords and pegs. The plan was to have the sun shining, and of course it came out at 3 o'clock after our friends had left. We did have tons of fun, even without the sun. I think there may be lots of talk about geocaching at home tonight.

Here are our thoughts:
I liked going geocaching. We found it by Sobeys. Nobody saw it because it was green and it was small and it was camouflaged on a tree. -Josh
I went for a long walk, -Ethan
I liked helping build our shelter. -Bapreet
I was playing basketball and I made a friend. -Callum
I liked when we got to walk. I saw lots of things. -Jake
I liked when Dr. Hamilton School came to BHS to see us. -Anna
I hit the peg into the ground. -Cody
I liked the way we built the shelter. -Gavin
I liked when I made two new friends. One of my friends has her birthday on the same day as mine. -Sierra
I was outside a lot today. -Jay Dee
I liked it when we built the shelter. I hammered in the peg. -Eliza
I loved when my friend came. He is on my hockey team. He is my best hockey friend. -Zachary
I liked when Dr. Hamilton people came to BHS because I got to make new friends. -Cady
I liked playing basketball and meeting a new friend. -Russell A.
I was outside most of the day. -Russell L.
I liked geocaching. It was hard to find the geocache. -Levi
I liked meeting a new friend. I liked being outside mostly all day. Brady
I liked making a tent. -Naomi

We got in lots of exercise and enjoyed the fresh air. I think we will sleep well tonight. Thanks for all the great outdoor excitement. 
-Mrs. T :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Boonstra Farms

We lucked out on a great day for a field trip to Boonstra Farms. There was so much to see and do. Thanks Ms. Code for arranging this great adventure. Those animals stole our hearts. I think you need to check backpacks for any hidden kittens!

Here are our thoughts:
I liked petting the animals. -Russell L.
I liked petting all of the animals and milking the cow. -Cady
I loved the kittens. They were furry. -Bapreet
I loved milking the cow. It felt warm. -Jake
I liked feeding the horse. I fed it hay. -Eliza
I loved petting the kittens and the goats. -Gavin
I liked feeding the llama. -Landyn
I liked holding the kittens. The baby pig was cute. -Levi
I loved the Black Hole. It feels like you are flipping over. Callum
I fed the donkey and it felt weird when he ate off my hand. -Josh
I loved when I petted the cats and kittens. They were in the barn and outside the barn. -Zachary
I liked milking the cow because it felt squishy. -Brady
There was a bull at the farm. We got to see it. I loved when we got to go on the forest trail because there was a tree house and shelters. The kittens were in the shelter. -Anna
I liked milking the cow. -Ethan
I really loved when we got to go on the big hay stacks because when I went on the big hay stacks we all made poses. -Sierra
I liked the animals. They were nice. -Jay Dee
I milked a cow and petted kittens and I also held them, but they were a little scratchy. -Naomi

The sun was shining and we made the most of our day. We will be sleeping soundly tonight.
- Mrs. T :)

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Outdoor Photo Challenge

We are participating in the Outdoor Photo A Day Instagram Challenge. Thanks to @200 Awesome Days and @3BBees for setting this up. We are looking forward to seeing all the photos. Follow us on Instagram @mrstresoorsclass to see what we share.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016


We have been talking about shadows and how they are made. On Monday we went outside to create shadows on the grass and on the tarmac. We were able to trace the outline of our bodies using sidewalk chalk.

Here are our thoughts:

When something is in the way of the sun or any kind of light it makes a shadow. -Levi
I liked my shadow because it looks like I was jumping. -Callum
When I made my shadows, it looked really creepy because it looked like I was a monster. -Anna
Shadows can be made in sunlight when the sun is behind you. -Josh
I made myself really small. My shadow looked like a circle. -Cody
When you turn yourself around the other way the shadow is still there. You can make you shadow shorter and longer by moving back and forward. -Bapreet
People made shadows outside. -Russell L.
If you block sunlight you make a shadow. My shadow was a flexing shadow. -Zachary
Whatever you do, your shadow does it too. -Jake
Shadows do not have eyes. They just show what your body outline looks like. -Landyn
I liked my shadow the best because it doesn't show your clothes or your shoes. -Brady
If you do something your shadow does it too. I stood straight and so did my shadow. -Eliza
Some shadows could be really scary. -Russell A.
Some shadows can be different and some shadows can be cute. You make your body like an animal or you can use your hands to make an animal. Cady
Some times shadows can be bigger and some shadows can be small. When face the sun, the shadow is behind you. When you face away from the sun, the shadow is in front of you. -Sierra
I made a shadow with my body, -Ethan
I made a caterpillar and a butterfly shadow with my hands. -Naomi
I made a shadow with my oruside. -Jay Dee

It sure was a good thing we did this activity at the start of the week because there is no sign of the sun today. The rain has washed away all of our chalk drawings. At least we have pictures to show off our hard work.
-Mrs. T :)