Friday, October 27, 2017

First Snow

The snow arrived a little earlier than I expected. The first snow always brings a great deal of excitement. We have talked about the expectations at recess with our playground looking a little different. The kids were excited to discover all that they could do with the freshly fallen snow. The strong winds made the day a little tougher to endure, but we got outside and we got lots of fresh air.

Here are our thoughts:
The snow is fun to make forts in it. -Joel
I like snow because it's my favourite thing to build a snowman, make a snow fort and crack ice. -Chelsea
It was great because I love winter times. -Grayson
I love winter because it's fun and my friends love making giant snowballs. -Claire
I love snow because my friends play with me every time when I go outside. Kayley
I love winter because I get to make big snowballs. -Harlow
The snow was fun because you can make snow angels. -Sophie
I love snow because I can go skating with my family and I love to go skating. -Ella
We made a ginormous fort with my friends. It is way by the baseball diamond. -Marcus
I like to play in the snow because I have fun doing anything in the snow. -Kalem
I love to play in the snow because we get some snow to build stuff. -Etta
I like building snow castles with my friends. -Everett
I like playing outside in the snow because I get to play outside with all my friends in a huge snow fort. -Noah
I like snow because you get to make lots of snowballs. -Mercedes
Before school, me and my brother were rolling snowballs. -Marley
I like the snow because it's really good to play in. -Willow
I'm excited because my dad is helping me build a snow fort, a snow bed and a snow chair. -Camden
I like playing in the snow because I can make snowmen and snow forts. -Ryder.
It was fun outside. I made a snowman. -Shain
I like the snow because I can make a snowman. -Laniah

Just because the temperatures are getting colder and we have snow, it does not mean the season is winter. We had some discussion about this when we were thinking about changing the card to winter on our calendar. Fall is still with us until our winter break which was hard for us to believe.

Thanks for sending the kids with all their clothing for the colder weather. If you could label their items it helps us find things that may get on the floor or find their way to the lost and found.
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Spirit Week for United Way

We had a fun Spirit Week to support United Way. It was great to see so much school spirit.

Thanks for your donations to support local organizations throughout Manitoba.
-Mrs. T :)

Fire Drill and Bus Evacuation

We continue to talk about school safety. First thing Thursday morning we had a fire drill and bus evacuation practice. We calmly exited the school when the fire alarm sounded and we walked to the bus loop to board a bus. Our driver went over many safety tips. We were able to practice evacuating the bus by jumping out the emergency exit door at the back of the bus.

Here are our thoughts:
I learned all the different places you can get out. -Claire
I learned that you should never open the windows on the side when the bus is moving. -Joel
If there is a fire on the bus, at the front then you just go out the back. -Grayson
You should sit up straight in your seat. -Chelsea
Keep your feet in the seat not in the aisle. -Kayley
Stay in your seat while the bus is moving because if you are in the aisle you could fall on your face. -Willow
Windows push out when the lever is raised
We jumped out the back. -Harlow
No lying on the seats. -Laniah
I learned to stay in your seat when the bus is moving. -Sophie
No eating food on the bus. -Marcus
You have to sit down because it's not safe to stand. -Etta
If the bus turns on its side, you will have to go out the window. -Everett
Use voice level one on the bus. -Kalem
No drinking water on the bus. -Noah
Roof exit
I learned that if the bus is stuck in a  ditch you can use the roof to get out. -Marley
You need to wait to get off the bus. -Camden
I learned that you have to be good on the bus. -Mercedes
No yelling on the bus. -Ryder
I learned that you need to sit down safely on your bum when you are on the bus. -Ella

The red handle is raised to open the rear door
Thanks to the bus drivers for sharing information and answering all of our questions. The school bus patrols played a huge role in helping us get off the bus safely. We know how important it is to practice these safety procedures so we know what to do in an emergency.

Stay safe. Happy weekend.
-Mrs. T :)

Safely exiting the bus.
Thanks to our patrol helpers

Friday, October 13, 2017

Fire Safety

Fire Prevention Week is from October 8 - 14. We have been talking about fire safety all week. It is important to practice fire safety plans at school and at home. Our school plan allows us to get out of the building quickly and safely. We meet at a designated area so we can make sure everyone is accounted for. We need to be prepared and move calmly outside. We hope you ask us about what we have learned about fire safety this week.

Here are our thoughts:
I know that if the door is hot, do not open the door. -Willow
If you get on fire you have to stop, drop and roll. -Everett
Never go back inside. -Ryder
I now have an idea of an escape plan. If my door is on fire, I will grab one of my toys and smash the window and go out. -Joel
It is important that if there is fire on your clothes you can roll. -Sophie
I learned that if the door is hot and there is smoke behind the door call 911 and get out. -Camden
I remember that you stop, drop and roll if your clothing is on fire. Call 911. -Ella
Fire fighters can help you. They can put out fires. -Claire
I learned about getting to my yard. I'm going to go in front of my house and figure out a plan. -Mercedes
If you are on fire stop, drop and roll. -Kalem
Don't hide from the fire because the fire could hurt you and your family might not know where you are. -Etta
Look if there is smoke around the door. -Shain
Stop, drop and roll to put out the fire on you. -Chelsea
I learned that if there is a fire you have to have an escape plan ready. I learned stop, drop and roll from a book. -Noah
I learned that if you smell smoke crawl down low because smoke is dirty air. -Grayson
You have to have a spot for meeting outside. I will meet by my play structure. -Marcus
Don't go out the door if it's hot. -Laniah
When the fire bell rings at school, go outside and don't scream. -Kayley
Fire is dangerous because it can burn you. -Harlow
When fire is on your clothes you have to stop, drop and roll. -Marley

Be safe! Enjoy the weekend.
-Mrs. T :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Global Read Aloud

We are participating in the Global Read Aloud which is the brainchild of Pernille Ripp, a teacher, speaker, author and blogger. It began in September 2010, with the very first Global Read Aloud book being The Little Prince. The project has grown extensively throughout the years and involves people from all over the world.

It is a free project, where the only thing needed is the book and some way to connect with others. We are using our blog to share our ideas and we will also communicate with others more globally. The primary grades are reading a series of books by the author, Mem Fox, a well-known children's author from Australia. The first book we read is called Koala Lou. It is a delightful story that got us thinking about how our moms show they love us. Ask your child what Koala Lou's mom says to her.

Here are our thoughts:
My mom hugs me. -Marcus
My mom kisses me and hugs me every night. -Willow
She takes me on dates. -Noah
She always hugs me and kisses me. -Grayson
She buys me toys. -Kalem
She lets me watch movies and she snuggles with me and lets me have baths. -Marley
She gives me candy and hugs me every day. -Camden
She hugs me a lot. -Laniah
She takes me to the movies. -Sophie
She sings me my song all the time at night time. -Etta
She hugs me. -Chelsea
She kisses me at bed and reads me a story. -Merecedes
Mommy kisses me and hugs me. -Harlow
She takes me to school. -Shain
She gives me treats every night. -Claire
She sometimes lets me play on my video games if I get ready on time. -Joel
She lets me play video games. -Everett
She gives me hugs. -Ryder
She says, "I love you with all my heart," and she hugs me and kisses me. -Ella
She tucks me in every night and kisses me and hugs me before I go to sleep. -Kayley

What wonderful thoughts fill our minds when we think of how much we are loved.
-Mrs. T :)

Thursday, October 05, 2017


Image result for socks in a package pngSPIN Club (Support People in Need) consists of interested grade 5 students. The first campaign they will be running is called "Socktober". They will be collecting NEW pairs of socks from October 2-13. Last year, BHS donated 464 pairs of socks to families in need through a variety of local organizations.

Thank you for supporting this cause!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have been talking about being thankful, not just around Thanksgiving time, but each day. There are many things that we take for granted. We are very fortunate to have loving families and wonderful people in our lives. We have made you a family gift which we hope will use this weekend.

Here are our thoughts:
I am thankful for . . .
my parents because they help me when I get hurt. -Chelsea
my cousin because I always play with him and I help him if he is hurt. -Claire
my home because when my friends come over we can play in my backyard. It's fun. -Joel
my dad because he is always nice and mom too. -Grayson
birds because I like them. They are beautiful. -Harlow
my bunny Sparky because I love him. -Kayley
my mama because I always hold her hand. -Laniah
my daddy because he's buying a house in the east coast. I want to go whale watching with him. -Willow
my toys because I take care of them and play with them. -Mercedes
for my stepdad because he makes me supper. -Sophie
my family because they help me to learn stuff. One time my little sister helped me clean up a big mess in the basement. -Ella
my climbing my tree by my tree house because I can climb it. -Everett
my family because they built a bedroom for me downstairs. -Shain
my clothes because they keep me warm. -Ryder
my stuffies because I sleep with them and play with them. -Kalem
my big yard because I get to run and climb the trees. I take care of the trees. -Noah
my family because they play with me and they love me. -Marcus
my Opa and Oma because I get to have sleepovers at their house and they bring treats to my house. -Marley
my family because they don't get sick often and we have healthy food. It's a good family. -Etta

Practicing our overhand throws.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for the new relationships we are making in Room 2. Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends. Take time to be grateful.
-Mrs. T :)