Friday, November 06, 2015

Coat Check

Maddox explaining his job.
Our coat area has been a bit messy lately. When I was walking down the hall I noticed Ms. Jeffery's class had their coats all neatly organized and all the shoes were in place. This sure looked impressive. I found out that a student in Ms. Jeffery's class is the Coat Rack Monitor. His job is to help his class keep a tidy area for their belongings. I took the Grade 1s for a visit to this area to ask them what they noticed. They too were impressed. We talked about why it is important to take care of our things, especially when we are part of a school with lots of kids. Maddox explained what he does as the Coat Rack Monitor. In our class Sierra's job is Shoe Police. She straightens out the shoes and boots. With all of us helping out, her job will be much easier.
Now it's our turn to get organized. 
Here are our thoughts:
It is important to keep the coats up so people don't slip on a coat if it is on the floor. -Sasha
I hang up my coat. -Jay Dee
Usually everything falls on the ground, but now it's not falling on the ground. -Anna
It's important to clean up the coat room because if someone trips they could get hurt. -Levi
I hang up my bag. -Ethan
We need to put our jackets on the hanger and our boots and shoes together on the black line. -Callum
WOW! What an organized space. 
If we don't put our coats on the hanger, if people step on them they will get dirty. -Naomi
I put my jacket on the hook. -Russell L.
We went to see the Grade 3 class and their jackets were hanging and their bags were on the silver hooks. They looked so nice. Now ours look nice too. -Bapreet
I hang up my coat and put my backpack away. -Cody
We need to hang up our coats because if people walk by they could slip. -Jake
If we don't hang up our stuff it does not look good and people have to tell us to hang it up. -Zachary
I learned that if you don't hang up your jackets the hallway will be really mesys and you'll have to clean it up. -Brady
If we didn't put our shoes side to side and they were spread out all over the floor people would kick them. -Landyn
If you wouldn't hang your jackets up it would be on the floor and people would trip. Russell A.
It's not good to leave your clothes on the floor because people will pick them up and put them in the lost and found and you might not know that. Hang up your clothes. -Josh
I liked when we went to look at the Grade 3 coats because it was tidy. -Eliza
We had fun looking at the other classes' coats. We looked at them and we keep ours tidy now. -Sierra
I liked when we looked at the other coats and when I saw it I thought now we should put ours like that. We did! -Cady

I'm proud of you for doing such a great job! I know we will be able to do this every day.

Have a great weekend everyone. Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be on Monday, November 9 at 10:30.
-Mrs. T:)

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