Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays!

What a whirlwind day. It's always so exciting to feed off the energy in the building. The day started with an assembly where we heard the Christmas choir share their talents. We also joined in and sang some favourite Christmas carols.Thanks to the families that filled our tummies with treats for our classroom celebration. I posed this question to the class:
What are you most looking forward to over the winter break?

Here are our thoughts:
I want to go snowmobiling on the weekends with my own snowmobile. -Cody
I hope my friends can come over on the holidays. -Russell A.
I look forward to snowmobiling and making an ice rink. -Jake
I want to play outside in the snow. -Jay Dee
I want to play in the snow with my new sled I got for my birthday and go sledding down hills. -Sierra
I would like to have the best Christmas ever. I can't wait until Christmas. I am going to get a Skylander Trap Team video game. -Callum
I want to use my new sled. My mom dad and my little brother can have a sled too because we have bigger sleds. My dad could make a big hill for us to slide down. -Cady
I will play with my little sister. We will play in the basement with a ball. -Bapreet
I go to my grandpa and grandma's over the holidays because we celebrate Christmas with my cousins. -Anna
I really want to open presents. -Landyn
I am looking forward to snowmobiling. I have a miniature snowmobile that attaches to a big snowmobile. I'll go inside, have a big glass of hot chocolate and open my presents. -Brady
I want to spend time with my family. I hope my cousins come over. -Zachary
I would like to play with my friends outside. -Eliza
I want to go outside and make snow angels and dog angels. -Naomi
I get to see my sisters. They are here to visit. -Ethan
I am looking forward to Santa Claus. -Russell L.
I want to play games, build snow forts and have a snowball fight with my mom and dad. -Josh
I will have a pajama day at home. We will bring stuffies. -Levi
At Christmas I really want to open presents and have fun. -Gavin

I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends. My brothers will be home for the holidays which hasn't happened for a very long time. . . I can't wait to all be together.

From our hearts to yours, Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful holiday season.

-Mrs. T:)

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