Saturday, February 11, 2017

Design Process in Action

We have been learning about objects and materials in science. For our design project, students were given the challenge of creating a card holder for Valentine's Day. We saw some examples, talked about criteria and appropriate materials, and began to plan our holders. All drawings were labeled and materials were collected before the building could take place. It was a hub of excitement with so many ideas being shared and explored. Students were involved in lots of problem solving as some original ideas didn't work out quite like they expected. It was wonderful to hear compliments being given as students shared their learning.

Here are our thoughts:
I learned to connect easy pieces to hard pieces by using glue. -Chase
I put paper over it and I used tape. -Arianna
I learned how to trace my box to cover it with paper. -Tyson
I liked stapling all by myself for the first time. I stapled paper. -Lily
It was hard to cut open the big hole to put my cards in. -Bianca
I learned how to cut out a heart and to use the stapler. -Brooke
I used glue on my paper. -Dominic
I never used folded paper before to make hearts. It worked very good. -Adria
It was harder than I thought to close the ends of the box. I used glue, but it was too runny. I will use more tape. -Theo
I never tried using staples ever. Staples are really good for holding paper together. -Jack
It was hard to get the glue stick on the box. Instead I used white glue. -Charlotte
I learned how to stick paper to cardboard. I used white glue. It really stuck. -Ava
It was  hard to cut the paper to fit my box. I used white glue and not a glue stick. -Ben
It was easy to make the small hearts out of paper. I folded it and made a heart. -Marshall
I learned that you can cut holes in the middle of boxes without cutting the top off. The cards will go in the hole. -Andrew
I made a heart out of paper. I stapled my heart and I tested it with dominoes. -Desi

What amazing work grade 1s! We can't wait for our card holders to be used on Valentine's Day.
-Mrs, T :)

Gluing station

Testing station

Can it hold 20 cards and 10 dominoes?

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