It has a been a busy week. The whole school had a fire drill and bus evacuation on a sunny morning. It is great to practice our safety procedures during the year. We were able to enjoy pizza lunch on Thursday. A huge thank you to the parent volunteers who organize the orders and the parents who deliver our lunches to the classrooms.
As we practice school wide expectations, we continue to collect Buddy Bones that have been posted in our hallways. Our goal was reached and we all got freezies to celebrate. Keep up the good work everyone!
It will be an exciting weekend with the Eater bunny stopping by. We hope you enjoy the spring weather and the time you are able to spend with family and friends.
Here are our thoughts:
I'm going to my Auntie's to celebrate Easter. Ill be getting a new bike from there. -Jarrett
I'm having an Easter egg hunt. -Nathan
I'm going hunting for eggs. -Autumn
We're going to my grandpa's house for Easter supper. -Kennedy
I'm having an Easter egg hunt at my house. -Charlie
I'm going to have an Easter dinner at the farm. -Braydon
I'm having an Easter egg hunt at my house. -Michael
Last Easter there were 12 eggs hidden on the main floor. Six for me and 6 for Jeremy to find. -Silas
I'm going to see my Grandma Maddy.
Happy Easter! -Bryce
I'm going to find some eggs in my backyard. -Will
I will look for eggs all over the house. -Liam B.
I'm going to my grandma's and grandpa's to have a brunch. -Emiy
I'm having my birthday this weekend. I'm still celebrating. -Carter D.
I'm going to my grandma's to celebrate Easter and have brunch. -Madison
I'm having an Easter egg hunt in the yard at my mom's. -Gabriella
My cousins and grandma are coming over for Easter. -Jaxson
I'm having an egg hunt at my house. -Ryder
Happy Easter egg hunting!
-Mrs. T. & Ms. M.
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