I gave my friend more dominoes when we were playing. -Reese
I put my friend's garbage in the garbage can. -Andrew
I held the door for my friend. -Maddox
When two friends wanted to hold Frozen I helped them solve it. - Alex
Outside at recess I helped the kindergarten boy who fell down. -Diamond
At recess when someone came to ask if they could play with me I said yes and gave them a smile. -Allie
I was playing outside safely at recess. -Kayden
I helped my friends with their lunch kits. -Joshua
I helped my friend put his lunch kit on the shelf. -Dyson
I saw a friend trip so I got a supervisor. -Ashley
I said sorry to my friend when I accidentally hit him when I didn't see him there. -Adam
When I bumped into a friend I said sorry. -Hunter
My friend slipped and I helped her up. -Rylee
I helped people when they got hurt. - Shelby
I am nice to people. -Saydee
I smile at people. -Kody
I open the door for my mom and dad. -Ashton
I helped find a supervisor outside for my friend. -Xoie
I help my friends. -Corri
When my friend tripped I helped him up. - Ezra
When a pencil fell off the table I picked it up so no one would lose it. -Graysen
I play cats and dogs with my friends. -Brianna
I gave my friends a high five. -Kingston
I smile when I see people. -Brayden
I hold the door open for people at the end of the day. -Kyla
Have a great weekend everyone. Remember to show kindness each day!
Mrs. T :)
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