Friday, October 30, 2015

A Day of Halloween Fun!

I'm a big fan of dressing up for Halloween, seriously. . . I love it. Ms. Code thought it would be a fun idea to go as Elephant and Piggie since the Grade 1s love these books by Mo Willems. You should have seen the looks on the students' faces when Elephant and Piggie went outside to greet them after lunch recess - priceless. We had a great time working at our Halloween stations in the morning. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out. We could not have done it without you!

Here are our thoughts:
I liked the parade and the movie. -Russell L.
I liked dressing up in my costume. -Ethan
I enjoyed being a cowboy. -Callum
I liked the Halloween parade. I liked walking around the gym. -Jake
I liked eating the cupcakes. I had a finger on mine. -Josh
I enjoyed making my paper pumpkin. I liked all the stations we did today. -Gavin
I liked the cupcakes because they were yummy. -Naomi
I liked seeing the princess costume. -Jay Dee
I loved the parade because there were so many different costumes. -Levi
I liked the parade. I liked everybody's costumes. They were awesome. -Landyn
I liked the blow up suits that some people had. -Brady
The most fun was when I went to the gym and walked around the whole gym. -Russell. A.
Swamp water tasted good because we mixed all kinds of juices together. -Sierra
It was fun making stuff out of plasticine. We got to make lots of things because we were the last group. -Sasha
I liked to see all the costumes in the gym. -Cady
I liked doing the plasticine. My mom helped there. -Eliza
I liked making the swamp drink and doing the ring toss. -Cody
I liked the snack station because we made swamp water. We used oranges and celery to make pumpkins and we made bananas and chocolate chips into ghosts. -Anna

Well, that sure was an exciting Halloween celebration. I hope the weather is nice for the trick or treaters on Saturday. Have a fun, safe Halloween evening. Don't forget to brush your teeth well after enjoying some sweet treats. BOO!
- Mrs. T :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Grade One Assembly

Today the Grade 1s performed at our Fall Assembly. The students sang Turkey in the Straw. . .  also referred to as "Gobble, Gobble". Then we did a Halloween song that demonstrated how we can follow directions and show off our dance moves. We did the song first by ourselves to teach it to the rest of the school and then all the students and adults joined in!

Here are our thoughts:
I was nervous and my favourite part was doing the Halloween song. I liked pretending to be a super hero. -Callum
I was nervous, but mostly excited. -Jake
I felt good. I liked being on the risers and singing. -Naomi
I liked the Halloween song. -Ethan
I liked singing and stuff. I liked singing and sitting on the risers. -Gavin
I was nervous because there were lots of people. We did a good job. -Josh
I was happy to be in the assembly on stage. -Russell A.
I was nervous. After a while I started to feel better. -Levi
I liked the turkey song and the Halloween song. -Russell L.
I liked to be on stage for my first time. I liked doing the songs. -Landyn
I was proud of myself. I was kind of scared at the beginning. When I saw everyone and when they clapped I wasn't nervous anymore. -Brady
I liked it when we were done. I liked the Halloween song. -Zachary
I sang at the assembly. It was fun. -Jay Dee

I was scared at the beginning, but then I wasn't scared because all my friends were there. -Anna
It was fun to sing the Halloween song. We had fun doing the actions and singing at the same time. -Sierra
I liked when we were doing all the songs. I think everybody enjoyed it. -Eliza
It was fun doing it, but I was sort of nervous to be singing in front of the school. -Sasha

Wow, what a performance! Fantastic job Grade 1s. It was fitting that we ended the assembly singing, "Brave". We sure had to be brave to stand up and perform in front of the whole school. I'm so proud of all of you.
- Mrs. T :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Haunted House

The gym was set up with lots of Halloween stations yesterday. What fun it was. We would like to thanks Mrs. Rand and Ms. Knoll for their hard work. Also thank you to the Grade 5 helpers who were at some stations to lend at hand.

Here are our thoughts:
I liked the ropes because I liked to grab the rope and catch the spiders and bats. -Callum
I enjoyed the skeleton dungeon. I was on the monkey bars. -Jake
I liked swinging on the monkey bars. I tried the big ropes too. -Cody
I liked the ropes. I had lots of fun swinging on them. -Zachary
I climbed on the bars. I did a flip. -Jay Dee
On the climbing rope spider web I didn't touch the spider because I was afraid it would do something. -Levi
I liked hitting the pumpkins with the bean bags. -Russell L.

It was fun on the ropes. I liked swinging but I didn't pick up anything. -Landyn
I liked in the change room where you picked up the finger and the brains. -Brady
I liked the swinging bar because you get to swing on it. -Anna
I liked the things that you slide across because it was giving my hands a massage. -Sasha
I tossed the bean bags in the bucket. -Ethan
I liked the big climber. There were sliding things and monkey bars. -Cady
I liked the sliding monkey bars. You got to move side to side and slide across. -Sierra
I liked the ropes because they were fun to swing on. -Elizsa
I was scared of the witches house, but when I got inside there were some lights on. -Gavin
I liked the monkey bars and I liked the swinging bars. -Russell A.
I liked the ropes because I got to swing on them. -Naomi

I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves at the Haunted House. It was a SPOOK-tacular time.
-Mrs. T :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Painting and Minions!

We were able to paint this week for step one of our Halloween art project. Our Big Buddies also came to show us how to make minion bookmarks. These bookmarks were a big hit. Thanks to our buddies for helping us make them.

Here are our thoughts:
We used paint to make backgrounds. I think they look awesome. I'm going to draw a spooky house with ghosts beside it. -Callum

I liked making the bookmarks. My Big Buddy helped me. -Levi
It was fun. I like how my bookmark looks. -Josh
We painted backgrounds and it was  hard to pick the colours. I almost ran out of colours. -Jake
It was hard to put the paintbrush lines on the paper. -Gavin
It was hard to keep the colours by themselves. -Sierra
It was hard to keep the paints off of the table. Mine looks good. -Eliza
I liked the colours. It was hard to keep them apart from each other. -Cady

It was hard to keep the paints so they didn't get in to other paints. -Sasha
It was hard to make sure the brush was right. -Anna
It was fun to paint in the art room. I like painting beautiful pictures. -Russell A
I loved making the bookmarks. I use it a lot. -Brady
I liked making the bookmarks because my buddy helped me. -Landyn
I liked when we made the minion bookmarks. I keep it in my book bin. -Zachary
I liked painting. It was fun because I got to swish it back and forth. -Cody
I like to paint. Purple is my favourite colour. -Jay Dee

There were lots of smiles on faces this morning when we got our book bins and saw our minion bookmarks looking up at us. They are being taken care of.

I can't wait to see the Halloween scenes that we create. Students are already talking about the ideas they have. I know they will be SPOOK-tacular. We will get them up on Artsonia as soon as we're done!
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, October 16, 2015

How Are You Smart?

We have been talking about Multiple Intelligences and how we all have something to be proud of. The students have many interests and abilities and they are seeing how their interests make them smart. We all contributed to creating a model of the brain. Students wrote their intelligence strength on a flag and it was placed into the brain. We know that we can all work together using our strengths to help build our learning community.

I am math smart. I know a lot about math. -Russell A.
I love to sing. I am music smart. -Sierra
I am people smart. I like birthday parties and playing games with people. -Gavin
I like to think about aliens. I am wonder smart. -Jake
I am nature smart. I take care of animals. I'm an earth ranger. I protect animals. -Levi
I like to learn about animals. I am nature smart. - Cady
I am body smart. I like playing with Lego. I like to run. -Russell L.
I take care of trees. I want a garden. I am nature smart. -Cody
I am art smart. I like drawing lots. -Brady
I am math smart because I can write my numbers to 100 and count. -Josh

I play basketball and soccer. I am body smart. -Callum
I am good at drawing pictures. I am art smart. -Eliza
I like to move around. I am body smart. -Ethan
I am music smart. I know music. I like to listen to music and play instruments. -Sasha
I like to pick flowers. I am nature smart. -Naomi
I am nature smart. Me and Levi made an ant farm. We made it out of sand, rocks, weeds and mud. -Landyn
I like taking care of plants and stuff. I am nature smart. -Zachary
I am music smart. I know a lot of songs. I like to sing. -Anna

How are you smart?
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, October 09, 2015

Giving Thanks

We have been talking about thankfulness as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. Room 2 knows that we have so much to be thankful for! We did a shared write to express our thoughts. I think we are on our way to completing another class book by the authors in Room 2. We hope you enjoy the centerpieces we made for your dinner table!
Here are our thoughts:

Levi is thankful for having a pet hamster.
Eliza is thankful for friends.
Sierra is thankful for having a baby sister.
Russell L is thankful for fire to keep his family warm.
Anna is thankful for her little sister.
Gavin is thankful for working with Lego.
Zachary is thankful for his baby sister.
Ethan is thankful for his new friends.
Callum is thankful for Carson giving him a Skylander.
Cady is thankful for a friend who listens when she talks.
Brady is thankful because his neighbour fixed his bike so it would fit him.
Sasha is thankful for her mom and dad because they make sure she is not scared.
Naomi is thankful for having best friends.
Jake is thankful for his dad adjusting his seat on his bike.
Landyn is thankful for his dad. He helps him figure out things.
Josh is thankful for his cat chasing the bunnies away from his mom's garden.
Russell A is thankful for having a mom and dad.
Cody is thankful for his dad helping cut down trees.

I am thankful that I get to come to a job that I love. I get to work with people who help me to learn and grow. I truly believe it is important to be thankful each day.

I hope your weekend is filled with smiles, laughter and thankfulness . . . and that your tummy is filled with turkey and pumpkin pie.
Gobble, Gobble!
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, October 02, 2015

Books, Books, Books

The classroom library is pretty organized at the beginning of the year. The bins are labelled and filled with lots of books. Last year the students would find books that interested them and put them in their book bins. They never really knew where to put them when they wanted to return the books. I realized that the bins were organized the way I thought they should be organized. The students really didn't know about all the great reading material we had in our room. At a meeting Ms.Code talked about how she gets students to organize the library by sorting books into bins and making the labels. So we have been working hard to sort through our library books. We have lots of bins ready to be labelled. Some examples are: School, Dogs, Bears, What if, Clifford, Sharp Teeth, Elephant and Piggie just to name a few. Thanks Grade 1s for the excellent thinking that is helping to make our library work for us.

Here are our thoughts:
I picked up some books and put them in a Clifford pile and a sharp teeth pile. -Callum
You sort books because it's cool and you can find all different kinds and make them into a pile. -Josh
I wanted to make a Sundog pile, but there were only two books so I put them with the animal pile instead. -Gavin
I liked book sorting because you get to look and find lots of books. -Naomi
I like read to self because it's fun to read. I'm reading a book about basketball. -Russell A.
I like doing read to someone. I get to read to a friend. -Jake
We have lots of books in the class. -Ethan
The animal pile was really big so we made other piles. -Sasha
Book sorting is fun because you find books that go together. We will put them in bins. -Brady
I liked book sorting, but it's a lot of work. -Levi
I sorted a lot of books. We put them in piles and people added to the piles. -Eliza
It's fun to get to sort books. We will know where all the books go. -Sierra
I can find all the books in our class library. -Zachary
I liked sorting books because I sort at home too. I sort crayons and beads. -Cady
I liked sorting books. We got lots of big piles. -Landyn
I helped put books in piles. I made a bug and insect pile. -Cody
I sorted animal books. -Russell L.
All our books in our classroom will be sorted and we can find them easily. -Anna

It is awesome that we love to spend time with our books. It is even an activity some like to do at choice time. Sorry for the blurry photos. . . the kids were working and moving and so was the photographer! I hope you enjoy a good book this weekend. Maybe you can read outside in a pile of leaves! Have a fabulous weekend.
-Mrs. T :)