I picked up some books and put them in a Clifford pile and a sharp teeth pile. -Callum
You sort books because it's cool and you can find all different kinds and make them into a pile. -Josh
I wanted to make a Sundog pile, but there were only two books so I put them with the animal pile instead. -Gavin
I liked book sorting because you get to look and find lots of books. -Naomi
I like doing read to someone. I get to read to a friend. -Jake
We have lots of books in the class. -Ethan
The animal pile was really big so we made other piles. -Sasha
Book sorting is fun because you find books that go together. We will put them in bins. -Brady
I liked book sorting, but it's a lot of work. -Levi
I sorted a lot of books. We put them in piles and people added to the piles. -Eliza
I can find all the books in our class library. -Zachary
I liked sorting books because I sort at home too. I sort crayons and beads. -Cady
I liked sorting books. We got lots of big piles. -Landyn
I helped put books in piles. I made a bug and insect pile. -Cody
I sorted animal books. -Russell L.
All our books in our classroom will be sorted and we can find them easily. -Anna
It is awesome that we love to spend time with our books. It is even an activity some like to do at choice time. Sorry for the blurry photos. . . the kids were working and moving and so was the photographer! I hope you enjoy a good book this weekend. Maybe you can read outside in a pile of leaves! Have a fabulous weekend.
What a great way to give the students ownership of the class library. You all worked very hard this week!