We were able to paint this week for step one of our Halloween art project. Our Big Buddies also came to show us how to make minion bookmarks. These bookmarks were a big hit. Thanks to our buddies for helping us make them.
Here are our thoughts:
We used paint to make backgrounds. I think they look awesome. I'm going to draw a spooky house with ghosts beside it. -Callum
I liked making the bookmarks. My Big Buddy helped me. -Levi
It was fun. I like how my bookmark looks. -Josh
It was hard to put the paintbrush lines on the paper. -Gavin
It was hard to keep the colours by themselves. -Sierra
It was hard to keep the paints off of the table. Mine looks good. -Eliza
I liked the colours. It was hard to keep them apart from each other. -Cady
It was hard to keep the paints so they didn't get in to other paints. -Sasha
It was hard to make sure the brush was right. -Anna
It was fun to paint in the art room. I like painting beautiful pictures. -Russell A
I loved making the bookmarks. I use it a lot. -Brady
I liked making the bookmarks because my buddy helped me. -Landyn
I liked when we made the minion bookmarks. I keep it in my book bin. -Zachary
I liked painting. It was fun because I got to swish it back and forth. -Cody
I like to paint. Purple is my favourite colour. -Jay Dee
There were lots of smiles on faces this morning when we got our book bins and saw our minion bookmarks looking up at us. They are being taken care of.
I can't wait to see the Halloween scenes that we create. Students are already talking about the ideas they have. I know they will be SPOOK-tacular. We will get them up on Artsonia as soon as we're done!
-Mrs. T :)
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