Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Six Pines Farm Trip

We went on a field trip to Six Pines Farm yesterday. The weather was pretty warm, but there was some relief from cloud coverage throughout the day. It was great that Spirit Week was hat day because we needed hats for the farm trip. We were able to see, hear, touch, and smell many animals and we learned interesting facts. We used all of our senses during our farm experience. . . we left tasting until lunch time!

Here are our thoughts:
I liked the pigs because they get all muddy. I learned about some animals. -Autumn
I liked the pigs because they roll around in water and mud a lot. I also liked the goats because they have a neat sound. The llamas and donkeys and the horse felt really soft. -Silas
I saw the Ghost Busters car and it was the new version of the new Ghost Busters. It looked awesome. -Braydon
I loved the horse because it was really soft. I liked when we got to feed the calf. -Emily
I loved the pigs because they turn the water on in their pen and that was so funny. Colton
I liked when I got to feed the calf because Ms. Moyer took a picture of all of us. -Madison
It surprise me when I saw the cat. It looked just like my cat at home. -Gabriella
I liked when I saw a horse because I got to pet it. -Nathan
I saw a rabbit and it was so cute. I pet the rabbit. -Carter M.
I loved the kitten because he was so fluffy and I got to pet him. -Ryder
My favourite animal was the rabbit just because he was cute and kind. -Bryce
The kitten was soft. It was my favourite animal out of all of them because it was cute. -Jarrett
The kitten was funny because it was trying to scratch people and it was cute. -Liam B.
I enjoyed when I got to pet the pony because it was very, very smooth. I liked when one pig was walking and it fell down because it was playing with another pig. -Jaxson
I didn't know that llamas had three stomachs. I didn't know that cows have four stomachs. -Michael

The fresh air made for a quieter ride home. We hope you remember the animals you met at the farm and remember to treat all living things respectfully. We're sure you had a good night's sleep after a fun-filled day.
-Mrs. T. & Ms. M.

Friday, June 07, 2019

June Already!

Can you believe that it is the last month of school? We are keeping busy with our routines, however there are exciting activities in June as well. Here our some pictures to share. We had lots of creative thinking with playdough, Plus Plus pieces and Lego. The community clean up took us to Purple Park where we got to play with our friends in room 3.

Thanks for doing your part to help the community.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. T. & Ms. M.