Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy Holidays!

There has been so much excitement in the room as we look forward to the holidays. We hope you enjoy the gifts we made for the special people in our lives.

Here are our thoughts:

At Christmas I go to my auntie's in the morning and I open presents at my auntie's. -Kalem
I am excited to open up my presents at my house. -Shain
We are going to go to pick my dad up on the holidays. I am going to go to the park by my house.-Kayley
I am excited to open my presents on the holidays. -Ryder
I wake up and wait for my family to get up. Then I rip my Christmas presents open. -Marcus
I am looking forward to seeing what Santa brings me for Christmas. -Ella
I am excited to get my locket because I asked Santa for it. -Etta
Happy Holidays!
I am excited to have a party at my cousin's house. -Halle
I am excited because I am going to my Baba's house. We are going to have four sleepovers. -Everett
I'm excited because I'm having a Christmas party at my cousin's house on Christmas day. -Claire
I'm going to have a Christmas party at my house. Lots of people are coming to my house. -Chelsea
We get to open presents on Christmas. I go to my Oma's and open presents. -Merecedes
I am looking forward to liking Christmas. I'm opening up presents at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. -Camden
I'm going to see my family and have sleepovers. -Sophie
I am looking forward to opening presents because I'm going to open presents at my Mom's with my Opa and Oma. -Marley
I had early Christmas presents from my Grandma and Grandma because they were over and they gave them to me. -Grayson
I'm excited for Christmas because then I can open all my presents. On the holidays I want to go tubing in the snow. -Noah
I love presents from Santa Claus and my Mom and Dad and
Grandma and Grandpa. -Harlow
I am looking forward to seeing my family at Christmas. We will go to dinner at my Grandma's house. -Joel

Make wonderful memories this holiday season with family and friends. Take time to enjoy some relaxation and peaceful family time. Don't forget to come back to school on January 8th!
-Mrs. T :)

Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Photo Booth

During the United Way campaign prizes were donated for staff to place a bid on. Mrs. Dent Scarcello offered a photo booth which I was lucky enough to win. She set everything up for a Christmas themed photo shoot. Everyone had tons of fun.

Here are our thoughts:
I liked picking a friend to have a picture with. -Shain
We made funny faces. -Kayley
I liked all the things we could put on like glasses and stuff. -Ella
We got to go in groups. -Sophie
I liked the reindeer antlers. I put them on. Marley
I liked the photo booth because we picked some friends for our pictures. -Etta
I enjoyed the pictures. -Claire
I liked holding stuff up. -Harlow
I liked when I had the glasses. -Mercedes
I liked the tree. -Chelsea
The photo booth was so awesome. I was wearing shades. -Grayson
The pictures were fun. Me and my friend held the tree on our shoulders. -Noah
I had fun at the photo booth. -Ryder
I had fun at the photo booth. I put lipstick on. -Camden
We were holding stuff that Mrs. Dent Scarcello took pictures of and we could choose whatever we wanted. -Everett
It was fun because we got to take lots of funny pictures. -Marcus
It was cool because it was funny. -Joel
I pretended to eat the food in the pictures. -Kalem

Thanks Mrs. Dent Scarcello for editing all the pictures and spending time with us. We will have lots of laughs looking at these photos over and over again.
-Mrs T. :)

Friday, December 08, 2017

The Beauty of Snowflakes

The start of the week was very snowy. It was a perfect time to talk about snowflakes. We read some books and learned that snowflakes have 6 branches and no two snowflakes are alike. Pattern blocks were used to create our own ideas of the beautiful white fluff that falls from the sky.

Here are our thoughts:
I made a spinning snowflake. I like my spinning snowflake. -Ryder
Snowflakes have 6 spikes around them. -Marcus
My snowflake is really pretty. I was trying to figure out what would be the prettiest. -Ella
We made a snowflake with pattern blocks. Mine was special to me because I love snowflakes. -Etta
I like my snowflake because it was made out of pattern blocks. -Shain
No two snowflakes are alike. -Claire
We made a snowflake out of special tools called pattern blocks. -Harlow
Snowflakes are all different. -Everett
I made a snowflake that was falling from the sky. -Sophie
My snowflake is cool because it has big spikes. -Joel
I like that my snowflake has 6 sides because I am 6 too. -Mercedes
I like it because it is so big. -Kalem
I love snowflakes because they are beautiful. -Camden
I love snowflakes because they are different shapes and different sizes. -Noah
I made my snowflake big. -Laniah
I just love snowflakes because they just twinkle from the sky. -Grayson
I love snowflakes. I think they are so beautiful and they are so sparkly. -Marley

It's fitting that we are ending the week just as it began with gently falling snow. It certainly is going to be a white Christmas! Have a great weekend everyone.
-Mrs. T:)

Friday, December 01, 2017

Student Led Conferences

Decorating our pizza boxes to hold all our work
We are set for our families to visit us for Student Conferences in Room 2. There is lots of excitement as the kids prepare for our visitors. We hope you enjoy your time in our classroom.

Here are our thoughts:
I am excited to show my whole class to my parents. -Mercedes
I'm excited for parent teacher because I know two things that I want at the book fair. -Ryder
The Book Fair is a popular stop.
I'm excited because my mom and dad are going to be so proud of me. I like to learn about numbers. -Grayson
I am looking forward to playing Domino Parking Lot with them. -Marley
I want to play the Two Dice Game with my mom and dad. -Ella
I want to show my mom and dad my workshop with my friend. -Marcus
I am going to get a book from the book fair. -Joel
I'm going to show my brother, my mom and my dad my drawing monsters workshop. -Kayley
I am excited to show my mom the Two Dice Game. -Sophie
I am looking forward to playing the Two Dice Game. - Noah
I am excited because I want to show my mom and dad Domino Parking Lot. -Camden
I am excited to read my mom and dad a book. -Shain
I am looking forward to showing my mom and dad my pizza box. My work will be inside. -Everett
I want to show mama my picture on my pizza box. -Laniah
I am excited to see my family at school. -Etta
Domino Parking Lot
I want to play the Two Dice Game with my parents. -Kalem
I love the Two Dice Game. I want to show my mom. -Harlow
I am excited because my mom is coming to my classroom. I hope I can go to the book fair tonight. -Claire
Two Dice Game
Sharing with our families
I am excited about my parents coming to my classroom. -Chelsea

Thank you for coming out to celebrate with us. We have been working hard and we hope you are proud of our accomplishments this term. It is heartwarming to see the students share their learning with others. Our families are such a vital part of our growth and development and for that we are truly grateful.
-Mrs. T :)