Friday, February 22, 2019

Human Library

Wow, what an exciting morning. As part of I Love To Read month, Mrs. Dent Scarcello organized a Human Library. Guests came to our school to share their stories and expertise about a variety of topics. The kids were able to select their top 5 picks and then they were slotted into 3 different sessions. The topics were very interesting and there was lots of learning taking place. What a huge success! 

Here are our thoughts:
The best part was petting the dog because it was cute. -Braydon
I learned that stretching is really good for hockey because it makes you skate faster. -Michael
We got to feed Cheerio dog food that looks like chocolate cheerios. -Silas
I enjoyed the butterfly teacher. She gave us milkweed seeds. I'm going to plant them. -Charlie
I liked Cole because he ran far away. -Nathan
I liked the nurse because I got to be the patient, but the hospital gown was too big because she only helps adults. -Gabriella
Cole ran from Mexico to Canada. That's really far. -Jarrett
I saw a runner. I run. -Carter M.
Butterflies can fly to Mexico. It starts out as round egg. -Liam B.
I liked the dog because it was so cute. I got to pet him. -Jaxson
I liked the make-up station because I got make-up put on me. -Madison
I liked the make-up because Madison was having make-up on her. -Bryce
I liked Cole because he ran all the way to Mexico. My grandma always goes there in the winter. -Kennedy
I liked the gym lady because it's so fun to learn about yoga moves. -Colton
I liked the fitness one because we did a hockey workout. We did stretches. -Carter D.
I liked the beekeeper because he let me taste honey. It tasted sweet. -Emily
I went to the butterflies. They were orange and black with some white polka dots. -Will

Thanks to Mrs. Dent Scarcello for bringing the Human Library to life. Thanks to the guests who volunteered their time and shared their knowledge and passion with us. Thanks to the students for moving safely in the halls as we transitioned to the different sessions and for being a respectful audience for our guests.

Have a great weekend everyone! Remember there is no school on Monday, February 25th.
-Mrs. T. & Ms. M.

Enjoy this video!

Friday, February 15, 2019

100th Day of School

We were very lucky to go to the Children's Museum on the 100th day of school. When we arrived we went over the expectations and then we were able to explore for a little bit. During our classroom activity we read the story, "What Do You Do With an Idea?" We wrote down all the things we have learned during the first 100 days of school. There were so many wonderful ideas that were shared on chart paper. Then we wrote down our ideas and put them into the plastic eggs. The one idea that we thought was the most important went into the egg that we decorated to take home. It was a fun-filled day!

Here are our thoughts:
I liked telling the people who worked there what I learned in the first 100 days of school. I learned to be respectful. -Gabriella
I liked the egg story because we have lots of ideas in the world. -Kennedy
I liked the train because it had a cool tunnel that you crawled in. -Charlie
I liked the big slide because on top of it there is a thing that you can look in to see your face. It was very funny. -Nathan
I enjoyed having fun going down the slide. -Autumn
I liked the pin screen because you can push on both sides. -Liam B.
I liked the play structure because you can talk to people through pipes. -Carter D.
I loved going on the bus because I like being in my own seat. -Colton
I liked looking out the window on the bus because I saw lots of buildings. -Michael
I liked the train so much because it has a steering wheel, a remote control and an engine. -Bryce
I had a nap on Charlie on the way back because I was tired from doing all that work at the Children's Museum. -Silas
I liked the slide because it was fun to go down and there was a big fort on the top. -Jarrett
I liked the play structure because you can have pool noodles to play with. -Ryder
I liked the water station because there was a tornado sucking up everything. -Will
I liked the craft with the egg. I decorated the egg with a crown and circles and some squares and triangles. - Jaxson
I enjoyed the water station because there were some little balls that you could play with in the water. -Madison
I enjoyed the train because you can see the tracks through a little screen and there are wipers, a bell, tables and a climbing thing on the train. -Emily
I liked the train because you could pretend to steer it. -Braydon

Thank you to our volunteers for helping out during our field trip. We were able to spend time at the museum with our friends in Room 3. We hope you enjoyed the 100 day cookie treat while you heard about the activities we did. It has been a great 100 days. We are looking forward to even more learning in the days ahead.
-Mrs. T. & Ms. M.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Readable Shirt Day!

For I Love to Read month, it was Readable Shirt Day on February 5th. What a fun way to get us reading. We love to read in room 2. Thanks to our families for reading with us each day.

Here are our thoughts:
I love reading because it makes you smart. You learn new things. -Gabriella
I enjoy reading books that get harder and harder every time. I get really good at reading the books I enjoy. -Madison
I enjoy reading because I can start to read harder books with practice. -Emily
I like reading because it helps you read better. -Carter D.
I like reading because some books are funny, like The Book With No Pictures. -Silas
The Book With No Pictures is an awesome book. It is so funny. -Braydon
I like reading funny books because I like laughing. -Michael
I like to read because books make you smarter. -Charlie
It is important to read because you get better at reading. -Nathan
I like to read because it makes you smarter. I like reading Robert Munsch books. -Ryder
I like Lego and Mindcraft books because they are cool. -Liam B.
I like reading because I like Elephant and Piggie books. -Jarrett
I love reading, but it is not easy. I need to read in the quiet spot. -Bryce
I like reading with someone because I like seeing what other people are reading. -Jaxson
I like to read because I read my favourite books. I like reading Piggie and Gerald. -Autumn
I like to read Piggie and Gerald books because I like them. -Kennedy
I like to read Mindcraft books because I read them all the time. -Carter M.
I love reading because it can give your brain a good workout about thinking. -Colton

Keep reading every day. Our next theme day is February 15th. Don't forget to wear something with a kind message and to say kind words to many people throughout the day.
-Mrs. T. & Ms. M.