Friday, February 17, 2017

100th Day of School!

We celebrated the 100th Day of School on Thursday. Stations were set up to highlight the multiple intelligences. Students from three classes were combined and the groups rotated through the stations all morning. It was so neat to see the kids interacting with each other as they experienced different challenges at the stations. There were even kids telling me that they played with a new friend at recess....that made my heart very happy.

Here are our thoughts:
I liked snack because you had to get 10 of each thing and put them on a piece of paper in the right spots. If you had any left over you could put it in the cup to eat it. -Tyson
My favourite was food because I got to eat all kinds of food. -Lily
I liked the art one. I made a dog. -Dominic
I counted the snacks. They were good. -Ben
I liked the music station because I like music. We did a marching band with the musical instruments. -Bianca
I liked eating the marshmallows. -Desi
I liked building because I got to use 100 pieces of Lego. I built a house with no roof because they didn't have a big enough flat piece for the roof. - Brody
My mom was at the wonder station. We talked about long ago and what it could be like in 100 years. -Brooke
I liked snack because I ate some candy. -Chase
I liked the art station because it was fun. I made the 100 into a grass trailer. -Blake
I liked snack because my mom ran it. -Theo
The one I liked was the reading one. We had to find words to add to a chart. I added 4 words. -Adria
I liked the snack because when there were 100 pieces of food we got to eat them. We put them in cups. I finished it at the different stations. -Jack
I liked the art station. I liked it because I made my dog, Scarlet. -Charlotte
I liked the snack station because there were Smarties and chocolate chips. We counted to 100. -Ava
I liked building with popsicle sticks and clothespins. I made a tower. It held 100 pennies. -Marshall
I liked counting 100 snacks. Marshmallows and butterscotch chips were my favourite. -Andrew

The snack station is always a hit! We will be looking more closely at the multiple intelligences to identify what kind of smart we are. We all bring so many interests and talents to our classroom.

A big thank you goes out to the volunteers who helped at the stations. Thanks also to Ms. Wasney for allowing some grade 5 students to be part of our morning. The leadership and encouragement offered to our little ones was greatly appreciated. You all made it 100 times better.
- Mrs. T :)

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