Thursday, January 10, 2019

Hello 2019!

As we say goodbye to another year we are ready to greet 2019 with excitement for what is ahead. Resolutions are not always easy to make or to keep. This year an idea came from instagram. We thought about things that we want to do more of and less of to make our lives more enjoyable. We had lots of good discussion about how we can make some changes to ourselves and our habits.

Here are our thoughts: 
I want to do more skating because I will learn more hockey skills. I want to do less video games. -Carter D,
I want to do more school and less sleeping. -Colton
I want to get more sledding. -Braydon
I will exercise more and eat less candy. -Bryce
I will have more sleep and eat less candy. -Autumn
I will exercise more and have less screen time. -Silas
I will eat more healthy foods and less screen time. -Ryder
I will work out more and sleep less so I don't miss my bus. -Jarrett
I will try more foods and east less candy. -Jaxson
I will eat more grapes and argue less with my brothers. -Gabriella
I hope I become a better reader by reading more books. I hope to have less energy. -Charlie
I will skate more because I want to pass my skating class. I will eat less candy. -Emily
I will read more harder books. I want less candy. -Madison
I want to write more. I want to watch T.V. less because I sometimes miss my bus. -Kennedy
I will practice more hockey skills and have less sugar. -Michael 
I will have more sleep and eat less candy. -Nathan
I will read more. -Will
I will play more hockey and less fighting with my brothers. -Liam B.
I will play more Lego and less videos. -Carter M.

What would you do more of and less of? Let's make 2019 a great year of positive growth and change. We can do it! :)
-Mrs. T. & Ms. M. 

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