Thursday, September 13, 2018

Our Wonders

There are so many questions and wonders we have every day. It is our hope that we keep that sense of wonder alive at school. Today we talked about many questions and curiosities we have. It was exciting to hear the kids share their thinking with each other. We will have lots of opportunities to fill our board with our wonders and we will see where this takes us as we explore our questions further.

Here are some of our wonders:
How does snow fall from the sky? - Autumn
How can you read? -Carter D.
Is Batman real? -Bryce
How does my water bottle work? -Colton
How fast does the fastest plane go? -Silas
How do lights light up? How do markers make colour?- Jaxson
How do thermoses work to keep things hot or cold? How do bodies work inside? -Madison
How do magnets stick? -Jarrett
Are storm troopers real? How do flashlights work? -Braydon
How do bedsheets come in different colours? -Ryder
How fast do trains go? -Nathan
How do water bottles work? Gabriella
How fast can Sonic go? -Carter M?
How does my water bottle open when I press the little button? How do doors open and close? Emily
Why do thunderstorms happen? -Kennedy
Why does it rain? -Liam
How was glue thought of and made? -Charlie

What are you wondering about???
-Mrs. T & Ms. M.

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