Friday, October 20, 2017

Fire Drill and Bus Evacuation

We continue to talk about school safety. First thing Thursday morning we had a fire drill and bus evacuation practice. We calmly exited the school when the fire alarm sounded and we walked to the bus loop to board a bus. Our driver went over many safety tips. We were able to practice evacuating the bus by jumping out the emergency exit door at the back of the bus.

Here are our thoughts:
I learned all the different places you can get out. -Claire
I learned that you should never open the windows on the side when the bus is moving. -Joel
If there is a fire on the bus, at the front then you just go out the back. -Grayson
You should sit up straight in your seat. -Chelsea
Keep your feet in the seat not in the aisle. -Kayley
Stay in your seat while the bus is moving because if you are in the aisle you could fall on your face. -Willow
Windows push out when the lever is raised
We jumped out the back. -Harlow
No lying on the seats. -Laniah
I learned to stay in your seat when the bus is moving. -Sophie
No eating food on the bus. -Marcus
You have to sit down because it's not safe to stand. -Etta
If the bus turns on its side, you will have to go out the window. -Everett
Use voice level one on the bus. -Kalem
No drinking water on the bus. -Noah
Roof exit
I learned that if the bus is stuck in a  ditch you can use the roof to get out. -Marley
You need to wait to get off the bus. -Camden
I learned that you have to be good on the bus. -Mercedes
No yelling on the bus. -Ryder
I learned that you need to sit down safely on your bum when you are on the bus. -Ella

The red handle is raised to open the rear door
Thanks to the bus drivers for sharing information and answering all of our questions. The school bus patrols played a huge role in helping us get off the bus safely. We know how important it is to practice these safety procedures so we know what to do in an emergency.

Stay safe. Happy weekend.
-Mrs. T :)

Safely exiting the bus.
Thanks to our patrol helpers

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